Daily reports

INSApplies to the
InSight AN
M20Applies to the
Mars 2020 AN
MERApplies to the
MSLApplies to the
PHXApplies to the

The daily reports are the Mission Manager and Documentarian reports that provide a view into science operations—insight into why and how particular observations were made. The reports have not been edited except for grammar and spelling, and to remove spacecraft and instrument sensitive materials. (We used to refer to the daily reports as "sol documents".)

Note that the reports are not part of the formal science archive. They are provided courtesy of the respective mission science teams who approve the content. Separate from the daily reports are mission and data set documents that are collected from archive bundles and volumes and are designed to promote understanding of the mission, spacecraft, instruments, and data formats.

Reports can be accessed from numerous places within the Notebook. The Sol summaries contain links to reports from the mission manager and SOWG documentarian. You can also access them from Daily report search results, or your User history. Archive documents can be opened from the Resources "Mission and instrument data set documents" link, data product detail help, or your User history.

see also